HHCKLA Buddhist Leung Chik Wai College
Home Economics
Vocabulary List


縫紉針步 Sewing Stitch

回針步 back stitch
毛氈針步 blanket stitch
走針步 running stitch
行針步/暫縫針步 tacking

縫紉工具和壓熨工具 Sewing Equipment and Pressing Equipment

剪裁工具 Cutting equipment
裁衣剪 cutting out scissors

pinking shears

拆線刀 seam ripper
小剪刀 trimming scissors

標示工具 Marking equipment

畫粉 tailors’chalk
畫粉筆 tailors’ pencil
過線紙 tracing paper
裁衣轆 tracing wheel

量度工具 Measuring equipment

彎尺 curved ruler
米尺 metrestick
軟尺 tape measure

縫紉工具 Sewing up equipment

縫針 needle
穿線器 needle threader
大頭針 pin
針插 pin cushion
頂針 thimble
縫線 thread

壓熨工具 Pressing equipment

熨斗 iron
熨板 ironing board
噴水壺 sprinkler

車縫工具 Equipment for machine stitching

線心 bobbin
縫衣機 sewing machine

廚房用具 Kitchen Equipment

焗盤 baking tray
竹筷子(長) bamboo chopsticks (long)
竹筷子(短) bamboo chopsticks (short)
中式湯匙 Chinese spoon
中式湯匙 Chinese spoon
中式菜刀 chopper
木砧板(長方形) chopping board (oblong, wooden)
木砧板(圓形) chopping board (round, wooden)
膠砧板 chopping board (plastic)
筲箕 colander
西式長刀 cook's knife
甜品匙 dessert spoon
打蛋器 egg whisk
西式鑊鏟 fish slice
灑粉杯 flour dredger
炸杓 frying ladle
平底鑊 frying pan (western style)
o者喱杯 jelly mould
量杯 measuring jug
量匙 measuring spoons
混合碗/粉盆(大) mixing bowl (large)
混合碗/粉盆(細) mixing bowl (small)
指甲刷 nail brush
油掃 oil brush
平頭刀 palette knife (spatular)
小刀 paring knife
飯杓 rice ladle
中式粉棍 rolling pin (Chinese)
西式粉棍 rolling pin (western)
圓頭刀 round-ended knife
煮食鍋(加大) saucepan (extra large)
煮食鍋(大) saucepan (large)
煮食鍋(中) saucepan (medium)
煮食鍋(細) saucepan (small)
湯杓 soup ladle
湯匙 tablespoon (tbsp.)
茶匙 teaspoon (tsp.)
托盤 tray
蒸架 tripod
大碗 utility bowl (large)
細碗 utility bowl (small)
蔬菜刀 utility knife (vegetable knife)
大碟 utility plate (large)
細碟 utility plate (small)
蔬菜刨 vegetable peeler
鑊和鑊蓋(中式) wok and wok cover (Chinese style)
茶匙 teaspoon (tsp.)
中式鑊鏟 wok chaan
木匙 wooden spoon

烹調方法 Cooking Methods

deep frying
shallow frying
文火煮 simmering
stir frying

基本切割技巧 Basic Cutting Skills

切片 slicing
切絲/切條 shredding
切粒 dicing
切碎/斬 chopping
剁碎/攪碎 mincing
壓碎 crushing

主要食物分類 Basic Food Groups

有助成長的食物 body building foods
供給身體熱能的食物 energy giving foods
保護身體的食物 protective foods

主要營養素 Major Nutrient

蛋白質 protein
碳水化合物 carbohydrate (澱粉質 starch)
脂肪 fat
維生素 vitamin
礦物質 mineral
澱粉質 starch

其他常用詞彙 Key Words

豆腐 bean curd
麵包糠 breadcrumb
小圓麵包/小圓蛋糕/小圓糕點 bun
穀類/穀類食品/麥片 cereal
朱古力碎片 chocolate chip
甜餅乾 cookie
蛋類 egg
固體脂肪及液體脂肪 fat and oil
點綴/裝飾物 garnish
糯米 glutinous rice
伊麵 I Fu noodle
材料 ingredient
加調味料醃 marinade
量/量度 measure
肉類 meat
肉丸 meat ball
(製作)方法 method
焗爐 oven
電飯煲 rice cooker
汁液/汁料 sauce
海鮮/海產食品 seafood
調味料 seasoning
(小)蝦 shrimp
粟米/玉米 sweet corn
芡汁/勾芡 thickening
土司/多士 toast
烏冬 udon
蔬菜 vegetable
中式 Chinese
西式 Western
下午茶 afternoon tea
自助餐 buffet
簡便食物 convenience food
蛋糕製作 cake-making
擂油法 creaming method
油搓粉法 rubbing-in method
健康的/有益於健康的 healthy
剩餘食物 leftovers
主菜 main dish
膳食計劃 meal planning
一款菜式的膳食 one-course meal
包裝膳食 packed meal
派對 party
小食/小吃 snack
茶會 tea party
素食者 vegetarian
貼布繡法 applique

其他詞彙 New Words

忙碌的 busy
努力/盡力 effort
節日 festival
趕緊/匆忙 hurry
匆匆回家 hurry home
願意 offer
稱讚 praise
有困難 struggle with
工作/任務 task
豆腐雪糕 tofu ice-cream
請客/款待 treat
典型的 typical